Kickstarter campaign for film of quadruple Channel crossing

23rd August, 2019

The Other Side is an in-production documentary that will follow marathon swimmer Sarah Thomas as she attempts the historic feat of four consecutive non-stop crossings of the English Channel.

The documentary-makers are currently running a Kickstarter campaign to cover the costs of filming the swim. It has already reached its initial funding target and is now working towards a stretch target offering backers more rewards.

As if attempting a four-way Channel crossing is not inspiring enough, Sarah’s story is already one of incredible determination to overcome adversity. Following her record-breaking 100 mile current neutral swim in Lake Champlain, Sarah signed up for her four-way Channel swim only to be diagnosed with breast cancer months later.

The swim was delayed while Sarah underwent cancer treatment but she returned to training as soon as she could. Sarah now has a two-week window in September – just over a year after the original date.

Justine Harvey