Snorkelling: A Swimmer’s Guide

It's time to embrace not being the only living creature in the water

Whether in lake, river or sea, outdoor swimmers are best placed to celebrate life under the waterline. The OSS takes beginners’ tips from ecologist and diver Martin Stevens who posts all about his snorkel escapades as @sensoryecology

Why do it?

For most outdoor swimmers, taking more time to look around and down seems a natural progression. “I think the benefit of looking beneath the water is connecting with nature and the amazing animals and habitats we have,” says Martin. “By exploring underwater you can engage with a whole other world, ranging from seagrass and colourful patches of seaweed, to kelp forests and the myriad of animals that live there.” 

What can you see?

Snorkelling is a new way to experience familiar environments. You don’t always have to spot a rare kind of sea slug or anemone to have a good time. You could just see a limpet, for example, dramatically departing from all the unfortunate associations of its name to slowly travel across a rock while grazing between the tides, or perhaps a common beadlet anemone you’ve seen a thousand times before in rock pools but never here below the surface.

“I know the south west of England best where you can expect to see starfish, several species of jellyfish, and sea anemones, like snakelocks,” says Martin. “In summer, you can see shoals of sand eels and bass, and if you’re lucky cat sharks and cuttlefish – and much more! Species vary between different times of the year. Spring tends to have the most vibrant colours and the freshest seaweed, while summer tends to have shoals of fish and jellyfish, but some species, like anemones and starfish, are present all year round.”

When to do it? 

“Trying to predict visibility can feel like a dark art,” says Martin. “The main thing is calm conditions, but things like plankton blooms can have a big impact. Early spring is often the clearest, when the winter storms have passed. Summer can be amazing – and much warmer! – but tends to have plankton which cloud the water.”

Photo: Martin Stevens @sensoryecology

Species vary between different times of the year. Spring tends to have the most vibrant colours and the freshest seaweed, while summer tends to have shoals of fish and jellyfish, but some species, like anemones and starfish, are present all year round.

Where to do it?

“To find good snorkelling spots, local knowledge and guides are ideal, especially as some places can have variations in currents and waves,” Martin explains. “Some companies run snorkel safaris which can be a good way to explore. A good surf forecasting app can also be useful to predict calmer conditions and understand the effects of wind direction.”

“In the UK, it’s actually hard to beat Falmouth for the diversity of creatures and environments, from kelp forests to seagrass patches and sandy stretches, with lots of colourful weeds and creatures. Helford River is also terrific, with large areas of seagrass. I’ve had some amazing experiences there with cat sharks and cuttlefish.”

Calm bays and rocky coves are another good bet. If it’s good for rock pooling then it’s also probably good for snorkelling too. In Scotland, sea lochs offer crystal clear water and calm conditions, such as Loch Goil and Loch Long. The Scottish Wildlife Trusts also have a series of Snorkel Trails with guides to sites and species. These trails are in Arran, Berwickshire, Lochaber, North Harris and the North West Highlands.

What do you need? 

Basic snorkelling kit includes a good quality mask and snorkel. Fins are optional. But you’ve got to decide which type of snorkel best suit your plans. Basic “wet” snorkels have an open top; “semi-dry” snorkels have a splash guard; and “dry” snorkels have a valve that lets you dive down under the surface without the snorkel and mouthpiece filling up with water. If you expect to do a little more than float on the surface in calm conditions, then a dry snorkel is the best option.

Kit is really down to the person,” says Martin. “I usually use a wet suit, and have fins and a mask and snorkel. A good mask is most important. There are lots of good brands but Cressi make excellent ones.” Key considerations are comfort, durability and vision. For these reasons, it’s best to try masks on in person and buy the best you can afford – cheap masks won’t last, and ultimately become plastic waste. Full-face snorkels are also available.

“You don’t have to swim much while snorkelling – it’s up to you! You can either drift in the currents or dive down to explore the sea bed. If you do want to swim, fins certainly make a big difference but they’re not essential.”

Grey Sea Slug. Photo: Martin Stevens @sensoryecology
Crystal Jelly. Photo: Martin Stevens @sensoryecology
Beth Pearson