Full moons are touchstones of seasonal change. Full moon swims are an opportunity to immerse ourselves in the outdoors and observe the changing seasons in a new light. They’re also a chance to discover fresh motivation for your next swim.
Here are the dates of each full moon in 2025. This way you never have to miss another full moon swim, allowing you to prepare yourself properly ahead of each magical occasion.
Monday 13th January, 03:17pm UTC
Sometimes called the ‘Moon after Yule’ or the ‘Old Moon’ – the Wolf Moon is so-called in reference to a time when hungry wolves prowled outside village confines and often howled their blood-chilling cries.
Wednesday 12th February, 05:07pm UTC
Named after Northern Hemisphere snowfall, the Snow Moon was sometimes called the ‘Hunger Moon’ among Northern American Tribes due to the scarcity of food and tougher hunting conditions in frosty February.
Friday 14th March, 06:40pm UTC
Spring brings the radiant sight of the March full moon, which has been bestowed with various names around the world. These include: the ‘Sap Moon’, ‘Worm Moon’, ‘Chaste Moon’ (referring to the purity of early spring), ‘Crow Moon’, ‘Warming Moon’ and ‘Moon When the Leaves Break Forth’.
Sunday 13th April, 09:08pm UTC
The Full Pink Moon – also known as the ‘Budding Moon’, ‘Full Melting Moon’, ‘Moon Where Ice Breaks In The River’ (by the Arapaho tribe) and ‘Fish Moon’ (as this is when fish begin to swim upstream).
Monday 12th May, 09:28pm UTC
May’s Big Leaf full moon is sometimes called the ‘Blossom Moon’, ‘Full Flower Moon’, ‘Corn Moon’, ‘Hare Moon’ and ‘Milk Moon’. This moon heralds a month when blossom bursts into life, more greenery appears and corn becomes ready for planting. It is also when cows are ready to milk more frequently.
Wednesday 11th June, 10:46pm UTC
June’s Hay Moon – sometimes known as the ‘Hot Moon’, ‘Honey Moon’ and ‘Full Strawberry Moon’ – is named after that time of the year when the hay is cut, ripe strawberries are ready to be picked and when the moon has reached its lowest arc across the sky. The moon goldens and gains a glowing yellowed hue.
Thursday 10th July, 10:09pm BST
A turbulent month, the season of thunderstorms brings with it the ‘Buck Moon’ – named for that time of the year when new antlers sprout from bucks’ foreheads.
Saturday 9th August, 09:13pm BST
The Hungry Ghosts Moon hangs full-bodied over lotus-shaped water lanterns, which are lighted and set to float on lakes, rivers and pools. These floating lanterns are offered to stranded souls unable to find their way back into the afterlife. This full moon is also known as the ‘Sturgeon Moon’ among Native American tribes, as this is the time of year when sturgeon are most common in the Great Lakes. Also a seasonal blue moon.
Sunday 7th September, 07:42pm BST
As the name suggests, September’s full moon tends to look much brighter and larger than on its other appearances throughout the year. This increased luminosity earned it the name ‘Big Moon’ among Native American tribes. In the UK, it’s more commonly known as the ‘Harvest Moon’.
Tuesday 7th October, 06:20pm BST – Supermoon
The wonderfully-named ‘Blood Moon’ or ‘Hunter Moon’ rises early in the evening – that means you are more likely to see it lying low on the horizon. Similar to September’s ‘Big Moon’, it appears much bigger in the sky and scatters rays of vivid blue light, allowing more red light to reach your eyes.
Wednesday 5th November, 03:55pm UTC – Supermoon
It isn’t exactly the origin of this moon’s name, but silhouetted reeds often accompany late October and November river swims (something to remember when you’re out among the riffles). Pagans have also called this the ‘Mourning Moon’ as it appears in the final stages of their winter preparation – the last moon before the winter solstice – which is devoted to the process of mourning. This moon is also sometimes known as the ‘Beaver Moon’, ‘Trading Moon’ and ‘Frost Moon’. Beavers are often busiest at this time of year, constructing their winter dams as the first frost creeps upon the water’s edge.
Thursday 4th December, 02:48pm UTC – Supermoon
A cold water swimmer’s favourite? The Cold Moon – also called the ‘Full Long Night’s Moon’, the ‘Moon before Yule’ or ‘Oak Moon’. The Oak is a symbol of long-lasting strength: exactly the gnarled spirit we need to get through the winter months.