Lidos emerge from under their covers
29th March, 2018
Lido Guide author Emma Pusill shares a lido news
With the daffodils, birdsong and longer days, come other unmistakable sounds of spring…
The priming of pumps, the scrubbing of pool tanks, the hum of boilers and the pleasing splatter of water flowing full bore to fill the beckoning void. Seasonal pools are coming out of hibernation up and down the land, and we are emerging with them.
Our social media is getting busier, so we thought it was time to give you all a round up of just where you can find us online. In the coming months we’ll be focussing a lot of the reopening plans of seasonal pools and, as ever, we want to hear about your #lidoroadtrip adventures.
First up is our new Facebook page, where we can bring together all the lido news in a more comprehensive way. In the future we’ll also be able to post notice of events – after all, there’ll be a book launch at some stage, right?
We are also on Twitter and Instagram. My mission this season is to make more and better use of Instagram. Pools lend themselves to it so well, share your photos using #lidoroadtrip.
And finally, you’ll find #lidoroadtrip stories on Medium as Lido Guide.
You can still pledge to Unbound to get the Lido Guide published.