OSS sharing the swim love at Swim Serpentine

23rd August, 2019

Now in its fourth year, the 2019 Swim Serpentine event in London’s Hyde Park just got even more exciting – the Outdoor Swimming Society will be there too.

This now annual event will be held on Saturday the 21st September. This day-long festival of swimming will see thousands of people swim half a mile, 1 mile, 2 miles and, in some cases 6 miles around this iconic lake right in the heart of London.

If you haven’t signed up yet don’t worry, you have until 5th September to enter at www.swimserpentine.co.uk.

Alternatively, if you are resting between the Dart 10k and the Hurley Burly there are plenty of other things to keep you entertained including the festival tent, showing short films including Kate Rew and Kari Furre’s ‘Chasing The Sublime’ directed by Amanda Bluglass. There are brilliant talks and Q&As with guest speakers and OSS Swim Champ Lindsey Cole will be chatting about her ‘Dipping around Britain’ escapades this year.

For those travelling from far and wide who might have some time for some more swimmy adventures before you leave this great city, we will have info on London’s many outdoor swimming spots, some instantly recognisable and some which you may not have heard of. We will have OSS Swim Champs on hand – from near, Arthur Irving and far, Amira and Alex Sehgal as well as our resident River Voyager Lance Sagar.

So do swing by the OSS tent and #sharetheswimlove. We would absolutely love to see you.

Karen Smith